OFAC: Sample OFAC License Applications Letters

Note: These sample letter were created prior to OFAC adding additional restrictions on freedom of travel and association.  Additional information is now required.  Please refer to OFAC's decrees.

Sample 1:

Office of Foreign Assets Control
U.S. Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Annex Building, 2nd Floor
Washington, D.C. 20220

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to request a specific license to travel to Cuba as a freelance journalist specializing in health later this year. For almost two decades I have published books and magazine articles on an array of health-related topics. I am the author of [snip], published by Prentice Hall, and [snip], published by Harper Collins. My articles have also appeared in numerous magazines, including Scientific American, McCall’s and Ladies Home Journal.  I have also written about infant mortality, maternal health, public hospitals, health economics, AIDS, health insurance and many other topics for foundations, hospitals and others involved with health care services, research and policy. Clients for whom I have provided an array of editorial services have included [snip] Medical Center, [snip] Academy of Medicine, the [snip] Hospital Fund, the [snip] Foundation, the Food and Drug Administration and [snip] University School of Medicine.

My plan in Cuba is to visit hospitals and especially local clinic settings, where I will be interviewing public health officials, primary health care providers, and recipients of health care services. I expect to arrange visits in both urban and rural areas.

I will be writing several articles following my trip to Cuba, and plan to make presentations to interested clients as well.  I have an assignment for [snip]¸ which has a regular feature dedicated to “mind/body” medicine, on some of the folk remedies used in Cuba, and elsewhere in the Caribbean. (An assignment letter from the health editor of the magazine, is attached.) In addition, I will be making a presentation about primary care in Cuba -- with an emphasis on maternal and child health -- to colleagues at the Medical Center, which is currently establishing an Institute for community health in New York. (A letter of support from  the Medical Center is attached.)

Thank you for your prompt attention to this request. I will be happy to provide you any additional documentation that you need.


Sample 2:

Office of Foreign Assets Control
U.S. Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Annex Building, 2nd Floor
Washington, D.C.

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to request a specific license to travel to Cuba in order to research and disseminate information about the systems of benefits available to workers in that country.

This educational project is being undertaken on behalf of my union, [snip], Local 1000. I have worked as a communications technician for [snip] for more than three decades, and during that time I have served both as shop steward and contributing editor to the union periodical, [snip]. My project is to compare the benefits -- particularly, health care, disability, and old-age protections -- provided to employees in an economy dominated by the state with those in the U.S. market-oriented economy. Towards that goal, I will be interviewing workers at several levels (factory, technicians, and management) in the industrial sector, with an emphasis on the situation in the telecommunications industry. The partially privatized Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba will be a particularly fascinating case study, since it is 49 percent owned by Mexican and Italian companies.

The union magazine will be publishing articles about my trip, and I also expect to present my findings to many of the local’s 1,500 members. Attached is a letter of support from the president of my local. I would of course be happy to provide any further information you require.


To Travel to Cuba by U.S. Citizens

To OFAC: Travel, Trade, Licenses and Legislation


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