Credit Card Purchases:

We are authorized to process Visa and Master Card charges, but we don't have a secure web page so we don't post forms to collect your credit card information on the website. 

If you would like to use a credit card to make your purchase please mail, fax, or phone us the following information:

If you are emailing us the information, while our email is stored on a secure server, there is still some vulnerability with email so for your security we recommend that you send  minimal information split between two messages, in a form such as:

First email message:

Your Name
1234 5678 (First eight numbers on the card.)
01 (Month of expiration.)
Description of what you with to purchase
Mailing address for credit card statements.

Second, separate, email message:

1234 5678 (Last eight numbers on the card)
28 (Year of expiration)
Dollar amount of purchase you are authorizing
Mailing address where you want the items sent (if applicable)